Who has the strongest fingers in the world?
The Zlagboard world ranking is determined based on maximum hang-time on the standardized legendary contest edges. Over the years, some of the strongest climbers have competed for the world record. The Zlagboard app allows you to compare yourself to climbers all over the world.
World Ranking
Rank Name Gender Country Total time Difference
6571 Benjamin Bernardi M Italy 00:16.47 02:49.51
6572 Sophie Severac F France 00:16.46 02:49.52
6573 Matthieu Mauries M France 00:16.44 02:49.54
6574 Mario Massari M Italy 00:16.44 02:49.54
6575 Lukas Bachman M Italy 00:16.43 02:49.55
6576 Massimo Decarli M Italy 00:16.40 02:49.58
6577 Phil Kahn M Germany 00:16.39 02:49.59
6578 Pit Armbruste M Germany 00:16.37 02:49.61
6579 Jennifer Selinger F Germany 00:16.37 02:49.61
6580 Lorenz Stanglmeier M Germany 00:16.37 02:49.62
6581 Martin Hajek M Austria 00:16.35 02:49.63
6582 Katharina Kuhl F Germany 00:16.35 02:49.63
6583 Iris Kraker F Austria 00:16.33 02:49.65
6584 Linda Frantzen F Norway 00:16.33 02:49.65
6585 Laura Gruener F Germany 00:16.32 02:49.66
Zlagboard Hangtime World Record by Ramon Julian Puigblanque
Zlagboard Contest // Melloblocco 2017
Zlagboard Contest // Sharma Climbing, Barcelona
Zlagboard Contest // Melloblocco 2016
Zlagboard Contest // Arco 2015
Zlagboard Contest // Chamonix 2015
Interested in hosting a Zlagboard Contest?

Zlagboard contests have become a great attraction at events over the years, be it at climbing events, trade shows, or at the local gym. Contact us if you are interested in hosting a Zlagboard contest to compliment your event.

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